Unser Partner Gigamon macht über neue Technologien im Markt aufmerksam und gibt Informationen darüber, wann der Einsatz von Traffic Visibility Lösungen sinnvoll ist.
Marktanalysten machen verstärkt auf ein „neues“ Thema aufmerksam, welches als Network PaketBroker, Intelligent Data Access oder Traffic Visibility bezeichnet wird. Im Kern geht es bei diesen Technologien um einen intelligente Aggregation und Filterung von Netzwerkdatenströmen zur Netzwerküberwachung und Optimierungszwecken. Erleben zurzeit die meist stiefmütterlich behandelten Netzwerküberwachungsanbieter nur einen neuen Marketingfrühling oder versteckt sich hinter den Beobachtungen der Marktanalysten wirklich eine technologische Neuerung, die auch in... Read More
After the first 30 years, Telenet finally discloses the secret: How do you become Germany´s top address for customer interaction solutions?
After 30 successful years in a market, which is continuously redefining itself at an ever-increasing pace of business, we raised this question – and maybe found an answer to it. Usually we concentrate more on our customers; however, at a team event during our anniversary celebrations at the beginning of October in 2012 we became aware of the fact that the often cited strong team spirit is indeed a significant part of our corporate philosophy and therefore a key factor for success. For our own success and even more for that of our customers! The entire event was documented on film. Have fun watching it! Find out more about our corporate philosophy here.
Millions of customers use social networks. Do you intend to apply this new communication channel for your customer dialog? Then we are a good match for you. More
From the first analysis to a finished interface. Here you will get more details on what to consider for a functioning voice user interface design. More
The company founded in 1982 with its headquarters in Munich has been managed by Dr. Andreas Hauenstein since July 2012. 30 years of experience in implementing complex projects have established the company solidly on the market. Telenet has long-standing partnerships with significant technology leaders in the voice and telecommunication sector. More
Are you looking for a voice dialog solution corresponding to your wishes and perfectly adapted to your particular technical and economic requirements? Or do you intend to incorporate the increasingly important social media platforms strategically and future-proof into your customer dialog? Then we are the right partner for you. More